7 Days. 7 Highlights.
Congrats on making it to another Friday! Here are seven of the top things that have had my attention over this past week. Enjoy!
- Do you feel like you never have enough time? This week, struggling with a sickness that has significantly decreased my mental abilities (maybe I should not be writing...), I definitely feel that way. Our lives are so dependent on time that it is often hard to remember that time is subjective. Here are some people who live outside of time.
- Here's a crazy statistic about our dependency on the Internet: "Of smartphone users, 91% turn to their devices for ideas while completing a task."
- If you're like me, mornings are rough. Here are a few apps and clocks you can use to get up easier (or at least quicker) every morning.
- My wife and I love to travel so we are always reading up on any travel 'hacks' or essentials. Here are some suggestions for 'must haves' in travel.
- If you want to kickstart your own writing (either for a blog or a book), check out this 31 Day Writing Challenge from Jeff Goins.
- You may have seen it via the #riptwitter trending hashtag on social media; Twitter is overhauling their timeline (with an algorithm).
- And lastly, yesterday scientists announced yesterday that they have proven the existence of gravitational waves...100 years after Einstein predicted them. One smart guy.
What did I miss this week? Comment below and let me know!
Have a great Valentine's Day weekend. Eat lots of chocolate!