The Hope of Easter
As we celebrate Easter today, which marks the resurrection of Jesus Christ, I am reminded of the hope that His death-defeating act brought us.
Today DOES NOT give us a hope that:
- Life is all good.
- We won't have any pain or hurt.
- We'll win every battle.
- We won't ever cry again.
But IT DOES give us a hope that:
- Life hurts sometimes - but it will all be healed one day (i.e. the end of all time when Jesus reclaims all of His Creation).
- We will have pain AND hurt, yet God will always journey through that pain and hurt with us.
- Even when we lose battles in life, we have won the war through Jesus Christ.
- God weeps with us. (See John 11: 33-35)
“Most importantly, Easter reminds us that - no matter where we are in life - this is not the end. Our lives are not defined by today. Our lives were defined 2,000 years ago when our God sacrificed His life in place of ours.”
Our hope today is that "It's Not Over Yet" - which is summed up beautifully in this song by the band for King & Country.
Today, have hope. It's not over yet.
Happy Easter.