Jeremy Height


We have to live as global-minded Christians who are active on a local level. This blog is a conversation to equip and challenge you to live glocally.

One thing that this election does not change for Christians.

One thing that this election does not change for Christians.

In the seventh chapter of Acts in the Bible, we read an amazing speech by the early Christian named Stephen. Stephen defends the Jesus movement by breaking down the history of the people of God with great skill.

And the history lesson does not go over well. But while he is immediately murdered for his words, Stephen’s martyrdom is a catalyst to the international spread of the Good News of Jesus.

Now what was so disruptive about Stephen’s speech?

He highlights the consistent faithfulness of God, the repetitive unfaithfulness of the people of Israel, and the revolutionary statement that God is not controlled by a space or a box.

Our God is a God on the move.

The tectonic statement by Stephen centered on the fact that God’s power is not about a place - it is about a presence.

God’s presence is what matters.

And throughout the Bible, Christian Church history, and even today, we see examples time and time again that our God is on the move. We cannot control Him in a church or manipulate Him with special words or actions.

Christianity is not about controlling God or God’s power. Christianity is about pursuing the presence of God in the world around us.

As we pursue God’s presence (something called “holiness” by Christians), we are molded into God’s image too. It’s like learning how to drive a car. Your driver’s ed instructor probably taught you to not look at the mailboxes on the side of the road, but to instead focus on the middle of your driving lane. Because you will go to where you are focused. And the same is true of our spiritual walks. We become like what we focus on.

Which leaves the question: What are you focused on?

Or, put differently, what are you pursuing?

Now here’s the connection with our national elections in the USA this week:

Our pursuit of God and His presence does not alter at all this week. We are still called to pursue God regardless of the events of this week.

Yes - go vote and encourage others to do the same on Tuesday.

But do not stop pursuing God’s presence. Whether those you vote for are elected or not this week, do not end that pursuit.

What does that mean?

Continuing to love others. Continuing to help those in need. Continuing to give your best in your job. Continuing to work to heal the broken places in our world. (Side note: Rev. Dave Rodriguez writes in A Why to Live For about 6 main broken places: Separation, Isolation, Decay, Justice, Pain, and Hatred.)

No political election changes the fact that our God is on the move in our world nor should it divert our participation in that movement of God in the world around us.

We have a calling to participate in the work of God in the world every single day.

Definitely vote! And, more importantly, find ways in the coming days to love others, to defend the defenseless, and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ!

Pursue God’s presence, not power or politics.

Yes, God is on the throne.

He always has been and always will be.

But, just as importantly…

God is on the move.

And this election does nothing to change that.

Keep pursuing God’s presence.

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What Christmas can teach us in 2020.

What Christmas can teach us in 2020.

Hopes and Prayers for the Future of the Nazarene Church

Hopes and Prayers for the Future of the Nazarene Church