Jeremy Height


We have to live as global-minded Christians who are active on a local level. This blog is a conversation to equip and challenge you to live glocally.

Top 9: Highlights from my Weekly Checklist in February

Top 9: Highlights from my Weekly Checklist in February

I love learning.

As a bit of a nerd, I am always looking for new things to learn about and several years ago I began sharing what I was learning with my friends via email and LinkedIn posts. Over time that has evolved into my Weekly Checklist e-newsletter which I share with friends around the world. In my Weekly Checklist email I share what I have found challenging, beautiful, and inspiring from the past week. Videos, songs, podcasts, and articles that are helping me as a life-long learner.

Here are my Top 9 highlights from the past month (and you can sign up to receive the Weekly Checklist by clicking here):   

  1. Churches are closing. And only 6% of those American churches that are still open are keeping up with the growth in their surrounding communities. Here are four creative churches that are thriving.

  2. "As I’ve studied poverty and listened to the voices of others, I’ve become convinced that the problems poor people face aren’t solely material in nature." More thoughts on the intersection of the Kingdom of God and poverty alleviation here.

  3. As someone who almost burned out during the last few years, I greatly appreciate these words from Carey Nieuwhof about 11 signs of burn out.

  4. “Growing up a poor black kid, all I heard was college, college, college. Now we’re fools for taking out loans to make it happen?” The ever growing weight of student loans.

  5. Here's a history tidbit from the 20th century: Kodak accidentally learned about the A-Bomb. Here's how.

  6. From Backstory (one of my favorite podcasts): A History of Blackface and Minstrelsy in American Culture.

  7. "'Who’s not here?' might be the most important unasked question."

  8. I have been left with a lot to wrestle with and consider from this sermon by Skye Jethani talking about the future of the Church and how we engage the culture around us.

  9. And, lastly, one quote I’ve been pondering recently: “If you’re not ready to find exceptional things, you won’t discover them.” - Avi Loeb

What do you think?

Let me know which of these 9 highlights you like the best by commenting below!

My belief is that in order to be like Christ  we must keep learning as children of God & students of God's Creation.

Hope these links help you live glocally.


p.s. - Sign up for my Weekly Checklist here and get more resources like this right into your inbox every Monday morning.

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