Jeremy Height


We have to live as global-minded Christians who are active on a local level. This blog is a conversation to equip and challenge you to live glocally.

Where's Your Local Coffee Shop?

Where's Your Local Coffee Shop?

If you don't know the answer to that question, you need to figure it out ASAP. 


Because you should be spending time there every week. 

As Christians, we are called to make a difference in our communities. Our God calls us to bring His loving, redeeming Kingdom wherever we are. We serve a global God who works on a local level. 

We can only make a difference in our neighborhood when we are actively involved in the community. And while there are countless ways for each of us to engage our neighbors and neighborhoods, there is one step we all can take: Frequent a local coffee shop. 

Not only do you support a local business, you all get the opportunity to meet new neighbors and learn more about what is going on throughout your neighborhood. 

As Christ-followers, we should be working to bring love and a better world to our surrounding neighborhood. And we accomplishes that through small, loving, relationship-building actions every day. 

So get started today.

Go spend some time in your local coffee shop.


(Where do you meet your neighbors at? Comment below.)  

Be You. Do Good. (Book Review)

Be You. Do Good. (Book Review)

7 Days. 7 Highlights.

7 Days. 7 Highlights.