Jeremy Height


We have to live as global-minded Christians who are active on a local level. This blog is a conversation to equip and challenge you to live glocally.

Weekend Homework

Weekend Homework

I hope you have stayed safe this week in the midst of this crazy weather in the United States! Here in the Midwest we have been faced with some pretty nasty storms over the last several days. 

Here is your weekly dosage of 'homework' to help expand your mind and challenge your opinions. This is what I've been learning from and about this week:

  • Does the word 'evangelism' send chills down your spine or make your stomach do flips? This article by Gravity Leadership unpacks why so many of us get nervous about evangelism and how we can do evangelism well and obediently.
  • Have you started planning for retirement? A great first step is figuring out when your current saving strategy will get you to one million dollars (a solid round-number estimate of how much we need to retire with). Figure out your Million Dollar Day with Pete the Planner's new app here.
  • I am currently working through a phenomenal book called The Mustard Seed Conspiracy by Tom Sine. The beginning of the book inspired this blog post of mine this week as I was left asking the question: how were we not ready for the current refugee crisis? Check out the book here.
  • Three square meals a day: a eating habit backed by science or...not? Read more.
  • For the first time in years, the largest group of immigrants into Great Britain is not Indians. It's Poles.

Keep learning. Keep growing. Keep making the world a better place!

The One App That Is Helping My Prayer Life

The One App That Is Helping My Prayer Life

The Refugee Crisis: How Were We Not Ready?

The Refugee Crisis: How Were We Not Ready?